Brittany Smith

Brittany is a provisional psychologist and Master of Psychology (Clinical) candidate at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Her Masters research is examining the effectiveness of psychological interventions for skin conditions. Her research compliments her clinical interests working with children and their families, enabling her to take wholistic approach in understanding developmental, behavioural and emotional challenges.

Brittany completed a Bachelor of Commerce with Bachelor Psychology (Hons.) at Macquarie University. Brittany received First Class Honours, with her research examining the effectiveness of a self-compassion focused writing intervention for individuals with a visible skin condition.

Brittany brings a warm, compassionate and empathetic approach to her work, and is committed to creating a safe and open relationship when working with children and their families. Brittany has clinical experience implementing evidence-based behavioural family interventions with young children with disruptive behaviours at the UTS Psychology Clinic. She has worked in educational contexts and with families, within a Positive Behaviour Support framework, to deliver behavioural intervention for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Her goal in working with children and families is to develop and strengthen the Parent-child relationships to create a warm and enjoyable family environment.


Willow Heller


Shirley Aung